A letter-loving feller named Peter Craig has created what he claims to be the world’s longest email address. Coming in at a whopping 345 characters, Craig’s email has floated around the blog scene, making it ripe for a spambot snatching. Hope you wanted to stock up on Viagra, Peter. Oh, and here’s the email for anyone wanting to shoot old Pete an email:
contact-admin-hello-webmaster-info-services-peter-crazy-but-oh-so-ubbe r-cool-english-alphabet-loverer-abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz@please-try- to.send-me-an-email-if-you-can-possibly-begin-to-remember-this-coz.thi s-is-the-longest-email-address-known-to-man-but-to-be-honest.this-is-s uch-a-stupidly-long-sub-domain-it-could-go-on-forever.pacraig.com
Full story at Neatorama.
Credits @GuyKawasaki