New Terraria Patch to Add a Lot of New Content

When a lot of people see Terraria thy think its just a 2D Minecraft clone well as an owner of both games I would have to disagree with that statement.  Terraria is so much more, and has a lot more content than Minecraft. That amount of content will be increasing once it’ 1.1 patch is out on December 1st.

All that will be added was listed in detail on the game’s blog, but let me give a few bits of information. The update brings 39 monsters including four bosses, three new NPCs, and 222 new items including four sets of armour and 21 accessories.

The update will also be adding a hard mode, which will be pretty straight forward all you have to do is “Go to hell, take revenge on the guide for all the times he let the slimes in your house, and destroy a giant creature made out of left over body parts that pukes up worms and shoot lasers out of it’s eyes.” That seems simple enough right? Take a look at the trailer below. You can pick up Terraria for $9.99 on Steam

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