Yesterday, Team NINJA announced two new contenders returning to the Dead or Alive cast, as well as detailing brand new features to help expand the online mode that’s awaiting gamers in Dead or Alive 5.
Helena Douglas, also known as the “Fortune’s Heiress,” is the current leader of the Dead or Alive Tournament Executive Committee (better known as DOATEC) and the daughter of Fame Douglas, founder of DOATEC. As a famous opera singer and Pi Gua Quan martial artist, Helena’s refined elegance translates into a quick yet graceful fighting style which allows her to pull off smooth combinations to overwhelm her opponents. After the apparent destruction of DOATEC after the last tournament, Helena has re-emerged to announce the reformed DOATEC and issue an open invitation to all potential and willing competitors to the fifth tournament.
Lisa Hamilton, or “La Mariposa,” is a former scientist for DOATEC and an accomplished luchadora. Her unpredictable lucha libre style combines moves she learned while training with fellow competitor Tina Armstrong during high school with her own blend of high-flying kicks. Having an unorthodox style makes her a difficult advisory to counter and defend against. Little is known as to why she has returned to the fifth tournament, but the reemergence of DOATEC has once again brought “La Mariposa” back into action.
Dead or Alive 5 also includes vast new online features that offer players the best online experience they can handle. Up to 16-player tournaments can now be held online to allow combatants to set up their own bracket style tournaments. This allows players to view opponents’ battle records and call them out to fight at a moments notice. The online dojo allows players to practice with one another in a training mode. The spectator feature allows players to chat while watching other online battles.
Players can also earn bragging rights by posting titles and sharing their record fights with friends on Facebook. Pretty neat social media integration if you ask me.
Remember, Dead or Alive 5 drops this September! Are you joining the Tournament?