Top Games of 2019
Ben’s Top 5 Games of 2019
Ben Runnings
January 11, 2020
In making this list, it was very difficult to narrow down where a lot of 2019’s best games should place. My favorite 4 to 10 games of the year could all really be swapped around any given day. But after much hard thought, I was able to round out the list with the two games that left the largest impact on me.
Joel’s Top 5 Games of 2019
Joel Ramirez
January 4, 2020
This past year I started a new job, became a fan of an esport (League of Legends), and launched a new podcast(Final Checkpoint) with my …
Tyler’s Top 5 Games of 2019
Tyler Chancey
January 2, 2020
My fellow fanatics, 2019 was a…pretty difficult year for gaming for me. Not a whole lot stood out as truly groundbreaking or emotionally gripping or …