

Samsung Galaxy S 4 Available Now For Pre-Order

Starting today customers of Sprint will be able to pre-order the Samsung Galaxy S 4 for a cool $599.99. However if you choose a 2 …

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Sprint to Begin Shipping HTC Evo 4G LTE This Week

After being detained in the hands of the United States Customs, the HTC Evo 4G LTE shipments have safely made it across the pond and …

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HTC Evo 3D Bites the Dust as Sprint Discontinues Sales

Operation Android is reporting that Sprint has stopped carrying the 3D model in their award-winning Evo line online, though you can still find some in their …

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Sprint Set to Announce Debut of iPhone 5 on the Now Network

A few weeks back we brought you a rumor that the iPhone 5 will be appearing on Sprint’s Now Network , and now we have solid …

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iPhone 5 will go to the Sprint Network

Hate Verizon? Despise AT&T? Yet some how love Apple? No worries the 5th version of Apple’s Jesus Phone will be hitting the Sprint Network! The …

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First look at the HTC Evo 3D and Evo View 4G

According to Engadget, “premature information upload on Sprint’s website” gave us a first look at the HTC Evo 3D and the HTC Evo View 4G. …

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AT&T Acquiring T-Mobile for $39 Billion

Apparently, T-Mobile’s parent company, Deutsche Telekom, has been looking to get rid of this thorn in it’s side…which has been made obvious with all the …

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HTC Evo 3D and EVO View 4G announcement coming this week?

The eyes of the mobile technology world will be in Florida this week as the CTIA takes place and already, Sprint is preparing to steal …

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Quiet brilliance at CES! (HTC phones unveiled)

HTC is releasing some pretty awesome phones this year, and if you follow me on twitter, you know how deep my love for the Android …

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