satoru iwata


The Unfortunate Passing of Satoru Iwata

I’ve been sitting, staring at a blank page for some time now, trying to concoct a piece worthy of such an icon: Satoru Iwata.

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Nintendo Of Europe Offices Close; Employees Released

In an effort to increase work efficiency and cut down on costs, Nintendo has motioned for and acted on shutting down their European offices located …

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E3 2014 | Nintendo President Satoru Iwata to Skip E3 for Health Reasons

Nintendo President, Satoru Iwata, will not be attending E3 this year; citing doctors orders. No need to worry though, he will continue his daily activities as usual.

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Iwata on Wii 2: Surprising Gamers with Current Hardware "Became Difficult"

More information has become available regarding the timing of the “Wii 2” as the recently-confirmed follow-up console has been unofficially known ever since the first …

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Wii Not Getting Any Cheaper This Christmas, No Sir

On the look out for a cheaper Wii this Christmas? No? Chances are you already own one, according to Satoru Iwata – and in any case, he’s not prepared to slash the price of the Wii any lower just because we happen to be approach…

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