Pokemon Go


Pokémon Go: Who Are the Most Wanted Pokémon in America?

Can’t find an Abra? You now have a great excuse to visit Sunny California. Having trouble with legendaries? Not the Midwest. Here is the breakdown for the Pokémon each state is fending for the most.

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Top 5 Tips for Pokemon Go by an Ingress Player| Fanatical Five

Make another Top 5 Tips for Pokemon Go? Sure! …but with a twist!

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How Pokemon GO Could Impact Future Pokemon Titles

Pokemon GO has dominated both Google Play and Apple App Stores, and it is currently the highest grossing app of all time. What does this mean for Pokemon Sun and Moon and the future of the franchise?

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Fast Five: Weekly Gaming News Roundup – Week of July 8th, 2016

Want to get caught up on this past week’s news before the weekend comes to a close? Then welcome to the very first installment of Fast Five!

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5 Reasons You Should be Playing Pokémon Go Right Now

Pokémon Go is finally here and the hype has already reached critical mass. Millions of people are flocking to the app store to be part of the movement, and for good reason.

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Pokemon GO Begins Next Month| E3 2016

Either before or during next month, iPhone and Android owners will be able to download Pokemon Go, Nintendo’s daring new AR title.

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Fanatical Five | 5 Nintendo Treehouse E3 Predictions

Nintendo has been pretty quiet these days, could something be stirring for their Nintendo Treehouse Stream?

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Pokémon Go Gameplay Leaked at SXSW

Pokémon Go was intended to make an appearance at GDC this year, but it seems that the first gameplay footage has been leaked at a SXSW panel.

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Wanna Catch ‘em all? Well in 2016 you can with Pokémon GO!

Nintendo has launched a location-based mobile game where you can catch Pokémon via Augmented Reality with Pokemon GO.

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