PlayStation 3 games
InFamous 2: The Beast is coming
When SuckerPunch released inFamous two years ago, it had to go toe-to-toe with Prototype and not only did it exceed as an exclusive, but it …
Dragon Age Origins: Witch Hunt DLC
If you listened to our podcast, you would have heard me talking about Dragon Age and their DLC content. I mentioned that they need more …
Sony sending out Beta Invites for Dead Nation
Despite being severely late to the party in terms of zombie shooters, Sony has been hard at work in promoting and marketing Dead Nation to …
Portal 2 – February 9th
In a recent Gamenformer article, it has been announced that Portal 2 will be released on February 9th, 2011. Hopefully this is a soild release …
Killzone 3 Website Debut
Hints of a possible Killzone 3 beta? Check out this link that recently made its way to the interwebz. Yes, Killzone 3. A site complete …
Street Fighter X Tekken
With Marvel vs Capcom 3 set to be released, no one would think that we would see another versus title anytime soon. That theory has …
Little Big Planet 2 Drops November 16th
Straight from Comic Con and PlayStation’s Blog, it has just been announced that Little Big Planet 2 will be released on November 16th. If you …