Mario Maker


Super Mario Maker 2’s Brilliant Secret

Recently, I started getting into Super Mario Maker 2. Yes, the game has been out for a while. Rave reviews have come out. Our very …

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“Games that made us RAGE! Mario Maker, Dark Souls, and Dota 2.” | Live w/ TGF! Ep 06

This week we discuss games that made us rage quit, or completely stop playing due to frustrating mechanics, difficulty spikes, gameplay and glitches.

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E3 2014 | Nintendo's Long List of Playable Games on the Show Floor

Nintendo had a lot of games as this year’s E3 so here’s our recap of (almost) everything Nintendo had to play on the E3 show …

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E3 2014 | Make Your Own Mario Levels With Mario Maker

Mario Maker for Wii U was announced during Nintendo’s E3 Digital Event.

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