driver san Francisco


Ubisoft's Uplay Is A Serious Security Violation

It has been revealed that Ubisoft’s Uplay network installs a plug-in that you definitely don’t want to keep.

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You Could Win a Trip to E3 Courtesy of Uplay and Ubisoft

Long time partners, Uplay and Ubisoft have teamed up once again to offer gamers some extra game related content. This time however, instead of extra …

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Driver: San Francisco Multiplayer Dev Diary

Ubisoft has released a new Multiplayer Dev Diary for their upcoming release of Driver San Francisco. They detail on how they are trying to change …

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Ubisoft Changes their PC DRM Strategy for Driver: San Francisco

After tons of negative feedback for the questionable port of From Dust for PC, Ubisoft is getting a lot of heat from the PC community …

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