Sony Online Entertainment has revealed details today on the Mechanized Assault Exo-Suit (MAX), the most “heavy duty” class available in the forthcoming Planetside 2. If being a walking tank appeals to you, check these bad boys out. Each of the three factions in the game gets their own version each with a special ability unique to that faction (although details on those actual special abilities has not been revealed yet).

According to the info we received the MAX suit comes equipped with “customizable modular weapon systems, allowing configurations specialized in taking out specific threats, or more well-rounded variations that are able to handle multiple types of enemy.” Like the original Planetside, Planetside 2 is a massively multiplayer online FPS for PC, allowing you to align yourself with one of three factions in a constant battle for control of the planet Auraxis. From what we’ve seen so far, it looks like the sequel is taking the “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” approach and simply updating and re-imagining the original…which was fairly popular when it first came out in 2002. For more info on this highly anticipated sequel, check out the official site: And as always, stay tuned to the Game Fanatics for continuing coverage.