Today we have two trailers showcasing characters that will be available in the upcoming video game, Street Fighter X Tekken. In this electrifying merger between the two popular fighting franchises, players will have the joy of seeing their favorite mash ups between Street Fighter characters and Tekken Characters, in a tag-team type format.
I’m personally looking forward to this new take on the fighting genre, but I’m concerned that a few bad mechanics might be brought over as well. Tekken is known for what’s called “juggling,” where after a character is stunned or knocked back you can continuously hit them until they’ve died. It’s nearly impossible to stop them once they’ve begun it. Street Fighter doesn’t have any real issues like Tekken other than people spamming special moves, but that’s to be expected when playing against other people who aren’t very skilled.
Anyway enough of my rambling, onto the game trailers below.
Tekken Fighters Trailer
Street Fighters Trailer