During PAX Prime, fellow TGFer William and I got a chance to try out Double Dragon Neon, which is now available for PsN and XBLA for $9.99 or 800MSPs.
From what we played, Double Dragon Neon takes you back to the good old retro arcade days while adding fresh new elements into the mix. The music and visuals scream the 1980’s and even bringing your friend back to life has some retro flare to it. When your partner falls, you have the chance to bring them back buy using a pencil to fix a cassette.
In Double Dragon Neon, you will see the return of Billy and Jimmy who must rescue Marian from Skullmageddeon. The main villain may be new, but those who played the original will recognize the return of Abobo, Linda and Williams.
This sidecrolling beat’em up adventure is just as fun as it used to be. Check out the video below: