Resurgence DLC for Mass Effect 3 Arrives Next Week

New races will grace the multiplayer aspect of Mass Effect 3 next week. You’ll be able to play on two new maps: Firebase Hydra and Firebase Condor. Not only will Mass Effect fans get to fight in new areas, but as new classes and with new weapons.

This free DLC will be available on April 10th for the PC, XB360 and Ps3, however Ps3 owners in Europe will have to wait an extra day.

New Classes:

  1. Krogan Battlemaster Vanguard
  2. Batarian Soldier
  3. Batarian Sentinel
  4. Geth Infiltrator
  5. Geth Engineer
  6. Asari Justicar Adept

New Maps:

  1. Firebase Hydra takes you to an abandoned Quarian colony now occupied by humans on Ontarom. If this base goes dark, the Systems Alliance will lose communication with the entire theatre.
  2. Firebase Condor is located on one of the moons of Palaven. Hydra is crucial  for the Turians and if it falls, it will cause problems within the Inner Council Theatre.

New Guns:

  1. The Geth Plasma SMG
  2. The Striker Assault Rifle
  3. Kishock Harpoon Gun that causes the victim to bleed out.

Source:  Bioware’s Blog

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