Radical Entertainment is showing off New York Zero, where you can expect to get your open-world on in Prototype 2. Take a break from Skyrim and watch it.
Prototype 2 is set fourteen months after the events of the original prototype and the world has changed. This video shows off Radical’s vision of a post-viral New York, a place that I’m hoping has less pigeons (stupid birds!).
NYZ is divided into three zones: the Green Zone filled with the military, the industrial Yellow Zone inhabited by refugees, and the Red Zone where the infected roam free. No word on an Occupy Wall Street Zone. Perhaps DLC?
You explore NYZ as military man Sgt. James Heller. And by explore I mean run up buildings.
Protptoype 2 is looking towards a worldwide release on April 24, 2012.
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You can go back to Skyrim now.