Ever since Rayman went back to his origins, his furry pals have been out of the spotlight. Keeping that much energy locked away is extremely dangerous, so they’re coming back to 3DS the only way they know how. A thunderous, hilarious rumble.Coming to 3DS next month, Rabbids Rumble is a decidedly ridiculous take on the Pokemon formula. The game will have over 100 rabbids to collect and battle. The traditional turn-based battles will be there, and will also allow for 1-on-1 battles with friends. The Streetpass features will give you new Rabbids, level up the ones you already have, share scores, and maybe a nice item or two. Rarer Rabbids will be available over Spotpass as well. Check out the screens and trailer below, and look for Rabbids Rumble this November 13, only on Nintendo 3DS.
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