PS4 Continues Victory Lap, Wins US September Hardware Sales Despite Mediocrity

Another month, another Sony victory in the console war and Microsoft’s attempts at cutting through with their free Destiny promotion proved futile. But make no mistake, Microsoft did really well it just couldn’t slow down the PS4’s seemingly endless run of 9 consecutive months of outselling the Xbox One. Sony also announced that September was the biggest month in PlayStation Store history in terms of revenues and it has Destiny to thank. Destiny led the charge in new, physical software sales.

What makes this feat even more impressive is the fact that Sony’s PSN is basically in shambles right now. Latest reports indicate that PSN is fully back online but this only comes after a lengthy and unexpected outage that kept gamers from signing on for most of Thursday. When will the shortcomings of PSN catch up with the inimitable sales of the PS4? Only time will tell, but for now Sony can enjoy yet another victory as they approach the highly competitive months ahead with Microsoft’s Sunset Overdrive and Halo: The Master Chief Collection looming large.

Below you can see the NPD’s top 10 chart for September:

npd 092014

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