Project CARS is a racing game being created by Slightly Mad Studios, and that’s all I know about this game. From the looks of these images the game resembles Forza with a slight touch of Grand Turismo, both of these games I’m quite fond of. The only thing that can be confirmed right now is these images were taken directly from the game, and have not been altered at all. Which I find hard to believe, but only time will tell if these images are a 1-to-1 representation of what the game looks like when its released sometime this year, no information was given about a release date, but we’re assuming sometime soon within this year.
Project Cars Leaves Us Stunned with These Screen Shots
- By: Baron W.
- Published:
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- Tagged: cars, forza, games, project cars, racing, racing game, Screen Shot, screen shots, Turismo
- Filed Under: Gaming News