Prey 2 Officially Cancelled, Bethesda Explains Why

Originally unveiled in 2011 as the would-be sequel to the trippy sci-fi shooter Prey, Bethesda has officially confirmed the cancellation of Prey 2 after several years of dormancy. It was going to be developed by Human Head Studios utilizing a modified version of Id Tech 4 Engine. A trailer was released featuring a new protagonist in an alien-infested world. Bethesda VP Pete Hines spoke to CNet at PAX Australia where he dropped the bomb on Prey 2, stating:

“It was game we believed in, but we never felt that it got to where it needed to be – we never saw a path to success if we finished it,” Hines said.

“It wasn’t up to our quality standard and we decided to cancel it. It’s no longer in development. That wasn’t an easy decision, but it’s one that won’t surprise many folks given that we hadn’t been talking about it.

“Human Head Studios is no longer working on. It’s a franchise we still believe we can do something with — we just need to see what that something is.”

There may still be hope for another Prey game but for right now, it looks like Human Head Studios is moving on to a new project. It’s a shame because the first Prey was ambitious and very fun to play despite the sometimes headache-inducing puzzles. It featured a Native American protagonist who had strong ties to his family’s heritage which is something you definitely don’t see in today’s games as far as main protagonists go. We’ll keep our fingers crossed for more Prey in the future even if it won’t be Prey 2.

Source: CNet

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