What if I told you could get two games for one in a single pre-order?! And what if I told you these two games we’re the biggest games of the year? Then would you believe me? Well like Charlie the Unicorn, its time to shun the non-believers. If you head over to EA’s Origin and pre-order Battlefield 3 you will get Dead Space 2 for absolutely free! Not to mention the early access you would get for Battlefield 3 when you pre-order it.
Like everything that is too good to be true, there is catch. There is a limited number of copies of Dead Space 2 available. It’s actually pretty silly considering one of them is a free copy of a PC download. If you want to claim your free copy of Dead Space 2 along with a pre-order of Battlefield 3 you have until September 19 when the deal ends. GET OVER THERE AND PRE-ORDER PEOPLE!
Source: Origin