Platinum Games Releases New Wonderful 101 Trailer

Before gamers start saving up for Pikmin 3, perhaps they should turn their attention to another action-RTS, The Wonderful 101. And to anyone in California, we’re not referring to that god-awful highway.

A Wii U exclusive, The Wonderful 101 comes from PlatinumGames, the studio behind several flashy titles including MadWorld, Vanquish, Bayonetta, Anarchy Reigns, and the upcoming Metal Gear Rising: Revengence. W101 immerses gamers in a vibrant, futuristic universe in which your band of superheroes must literally form up to take down an imposing robo-alien force.

PlatinumGames has released a new trailer for the game formerly known as Project P-100, showing off several combat maneuvers and bosses among other features. Through the gameplay snapshots, we see our costumed collective battling it out with a robo-scorpion, taking on the formation of an axe to beat up on what looks like a giant Big Daddy, and shooting rockets at a hydra-dragon beast à la Panzer Dragoon.

The Wonderful 101
Wait, that dude on the right wasn’t in Viewtiful Joe, was he?

As expected, the Wii U GamePad will play a crucial role in gamers’ completion of the campaign. Not only does the GamePad allow you to align your team into the shape of a giant fist or sword, but it also prompts you to solve puzzles and check out areas of your map that aren’t available on your TV screen.

It’s clear from the trailer that The Wonderful 101’s artistic styles and gameplay borrow from games within and outside of PlatinumGames’ studio. In particular, anyone familiar with the Viewtiful Joe franchise will feel right at home when taking control of some of W101’s heroes; W101 director Hideki Kamiya was the director for Viewtiful Joe and the story writer for VJ2.

PlatinumGames has not confirmed a release date for The Wonderful 101. Gamestop currently lists W101’s availability as May 1 of this year — the same pending date for Pikmin 3.

Check out the trailer below and let us know what you think!

Keep up with TheGameFanatics for more coverage of The Wonderful 101.

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