There’s a Petition to Cancel Far Cry 5

Far Cry 5 Cover Art

A petition demands that Ubisoft cancel Far Cry 5 because it is insulting to Americans.

The petition, started by a person/group calling themselves Gamers United has garnered over 1,700 supporters. The petition argues that the recently revealed setting and villains of the game are offensive to U.S. citizens. A tad extreme since from what we can gather from trailers and the like, the villains are overzealous members of a pseudo-Christian cult doling out violence against those they see as sinners and heretics in rural Montana. Exaggerated parodies of the jingoistic uberpatriotism this petition treats at face value.

“Us Gamers have had to endure a lot of crap over the last few years… We, the American gamers that make up the majority of your userbase, demand to you cancel this game, or alter it to be less offensive to your main player base,” said Gamers United in the petition.

The petition goes on to threaten that if Ubisoft doesn’t cancel or alter the game, “there might be some violent repercussions.”

The petition demands that the game change the villains, noting that “Islam is on the rise in America, as is the violence of inner city gangs.” The petition ignores recent events, such as the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge associated with the sovereign citizen movement.

It also misattributed the quote “To learn who rules you, simply find out who’s not being criticized,” to Voltaire (spelled in the petition as Boltair). As pointed out by Mashable, that is actually a quote from Kevin Alfred Strom. Strom is a neo-Nazi and Holocaust denier who plead guilty to possession of child pornography.

The petition also demands that Ubisoft alter the game’s plot, however, only vague plot details have been released. The last demand is that the game’s setting be changed.

“Look, I get that anti-Americanism plays in France, and I’m not telling you to give up on potential profits due to complaints… But for America, right now, Anti-Americanism is out,” reads the petition.

The petitioner says that in the U.S. market the game should be set in Canada. This change, according to the petition is “just trying to help you make more money.”

The bottom of the petition page showcases Twitter reactions, and most fall into two camps. Many people believe it must be a parody. Others have said it makes them want the game even more. Far Cry 5 will launch sometime before March 31, 2018, however a firm release date hasn’t been set. Expect more details at E3 2017 in a couple weeks.

All quotes above were taken directly from the petition, including any spelling or grammatical errors.

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