Peter Dinklage Joins X-Men: Days of Future Past Cast

Peter Dinklage – best known as Tyrion Lannister from Game of Thrones – will be a part of the next X-Men movie.

Bryan Singer’s X-Men: Days of Future Past, based on one of the most popular X-Men storylines of all time and an ambitious project that aims to tie every X-Men movie into one coherent timeline, just keeps getting bigger. Singer announced on Twitter that he’d brought Dinklage on as the newest addition to a cast that already includes Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, almost every major character from the original X-Men trilogy, and practically the whole cast of the surprisingly good X-Men: First Class.

Just who he’ll be playing hasn’t been revealed, but there’s a fairly short list (no pun intended) of characters in the Marvel/X-Men universe that he could possibly be, with the smart money on Puck, a fellow mutant and a part of the Canadian mutant team Alpha Flight… he’s also got a history with Wolverine, who figures to be a prominent part of the film’s story (as he is with practically ANY X-Men movie) and has the ability to, well, treat his small body like a hockey puck. So there’s that.

Who are you expecting to see next? Will Singer use the time-travel hijinks to bring Famke Janssen back from the dead? She wants to be in it, and it seems likely.

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