Just in time for the US launch of the Nokia Lumia, drama stirs around Android’s recent massive malware problems. So Microsoft’s Ben Rudolph offers to give away 5 free Windows Phone 7s to Upset Android users that use the hashtag “#droidrage”. The hashtag got over 3,200 replies and even caught the attention of Forbes. Someone even made a song about it. A personal twitter giveaway probably accidentally sparked a good chunk of advertising. Will this help WP7? Probably not aside from the Nokia support nothing looks too good for Window Phone. I mean come on how do you only have 1 severally outdated phone on Verizon in 2011? Hopefully the random success will make MS push the platform further in 2012.
Microsoft Starts Twitter Campaign Around Android's Malware issues.
- By: Samuel LeDoux
- Published:
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- Tagged: android, microsoft, smart phones, Twitter, window phone 7
- Filed Under: Hardware & Tech, Mobile, Tech News