The first DLC adventure pack, the Legend of Dead Kel, for Kingdoms of Amalur is now available. This new adventure features undead pirates! Ahoy! This takes place in the northern seas of Amalur. Explore the island of Gallows End, and uncover the secret that toppled empires. This adventure features more weapons and armor, more Twist of Fate cards, and the most expansive housing yet. If you’re like me and still playing Amalur, this looks to be an exciting new adventure. I previously reviewed Kingdoms of Amalur and gave it a 4/5. It’s fun, and this adventure looks to continue that fun. Look for a review of it as soon as I finish it. The Legend of Del Kel is now available for 800 Microsoft point on Xb0x 360, and for $9.99 on PlayStation 3 and PC.
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