A hacker group calling themselves Anonymous, have been recently kicked out of Google+ and everything else that is Google related, including YouTube. In response to being kicked out of said places, this hacker group is planning on creating their own social media website, dubbed AnonPlus.
This group is about change and zero censorship. However, after being attacked themselves they’ve opt to change their name, start over and will continue on making a social site for hackers.
Anonplus was meant to twart government censorship – so that in the case of a government blackout – the people can still be heard. The people are so far estranged from their world governments that they do not have a voice – even outside of revolution – therefore, they need an amplification tool without having to fear censorhip from both the government AND the social network/media that they are choosing to use.
This social network will also incorporate and facilitate an open source educational environment allowing those who want, to further their knowledge of things that are righted to them at birth without having to feed the machine thousands upon thousands of dollars to do so.
This social network will allow open communication of ideas -and is essentially a cyber-anarchy formatted environment whereas the people are the ones keeping the peace in order via an “understanding,” rather than a “force” or “threat.” They will be able to achieve knowledge on how to defend themselves against those who would stand to oppose them in the chance that their liberty and freedom be threatened.
This social network would allow open exchange of currency via alternative currency without feeding the grid – and those corporations that wish to strangle the average citizen’s wages without a conscience. The people would generate their own currency and wage via alternative energy means such as wind, solar, and geothermal energy – and then any excess can be used for gain using a barter/trade system via the social network anonplus without fear of being penalized like ebay or other similar networks do.
This social network is essentially: The activists dashboard.