The latest issue of Game Informer is now making its way to subscribers, and features a neat graffiti-style cover promoting its top 50 games of 2012.
The January issue of Game Informer takes a look back at the top franchises of 2012, and if the cover is any indication, 2012 was a great year for established series and independent developers. Here’s a breakdown of who’s on the cover:
Halo 4 – Arguably the biggest game of the year for Xbox 360 owners, Microsoft picks up Master Chief‘s story with a trip to a new planet and an encounter with a new race of enemies. It’s been addictive enough to keep a regular spot in our Press Start columns.
Journey – A great PS3 exclusive from ThatGameCompany, who you may know from Flow and Flower. Beautiful and artistic on its own, it was grouped with the other two for a physical release that is selling well.
Fez – The long-awaited indie title was even part of a movie. The Xbox 360 exclusive turned out to be worth the wait.
Dishonored – Bethesda‘s single-player stealth/action/rat commander simulator sold so well, and was so well received, they’ve decided to make a franchise out of it.
Assassin’s Creed III – The end of Desmond Miles‘ story and one of the most anticipated games of the year, Ubisoft‘s historical fiction series seems to keep getting better with each installment, though reviewers weren’t as high on this one as they were AC II.
New Super Mario Bros. U – We liked it. So did everyone else, apparently. Many say it’s the best Mario game since Super Mario World.
Darksiders 2 – THQ‘s sequel expanded the series universe and gave us a character that was, actually, more fun to play as.
X-COM: Enemy Unknown – The franchise had been dormant since 2001, but 2012’s entry was hailed as fun, challenging, and incredibly addictive.
Mass Effect 3 – Love or hate the endings, you can’t deny this was one of the most talked about games of the year, for better or worse.
The Walking Dead – It’s getting a physical release this month, but Telltale Games‘ series shone throughout its five-part release schedule.
Borderlands 2 – The first game in the series promised billions of guns. The sequel not only gave us that, but a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reference.
Not a bad year indeed.