In Case You Missed It – Gaming News for the Week of December 26, 2016 – December 31, 2016

After 366 days of non-stop horror, we have finally arrived at 2017. We did it! And now, it is time to take a look back at some of the things we missed when we were busy hoping the world wouldn’t end in 2016. That’s right, it is time for In Case You Missed It.

In Case You Missed All the Awards Being Passed Out…

I’ve got you, fam. At the end of every year, many people (ourselves included) try to figure out what the “best” game was. Steam managed to throw one in during their Winter Sale, and quite a few of Valve’s games snagged awards, to no one’s surprise. For every other outfit, however, you can find the TL;DR at the GOTY Picks Blog, which compiled all of the major games journalism platforms’ lists and discerned what each listed as their Game of the Year. The winner this year was Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End with 97 GOTY accolades, followed by Overwatch with 81. For Modders, Mod DB put out their Player’s Choice awards for a variety of mods, so be sure to check it out and maybe download a few while you are there. Finally, Wired did a delightful list of the games that still haven’t come out despite hearing so much about them.

We’ll also be posting our very own awards all week long, starting with individual roundups from some of our writers – you can check out Carlos‘ and Tyler’s top games of 2016.

In Case You Still Haven’t Gotten a MiniNES…

How about the MiniSNES? Nintendo recently filed a patent for the SNES controller. This is by no means a confirmation that a miniature Super Nintendo Entertainment System is on the way. It could simply mean that Nintendo intends to keep their trademark on it. That said, the NES Classic was such a hit that people are still scrambling to get one. Maybe this time Nintendo will make more of ’em…

Is there even going to be room on the MiniSNES for ChronoTrigger?!


In Case You Missed Overwatch’s Winter Wonderland Event…

There’s more where that came from! Blizzard already has a new event that will be launching soon to commemorate Diablo’s 20th anniversary. Overwatch is getting some Diablo sprays, and Heroes of the Storm and Starcraft are getting some fun themed portraits as well. Hearthstone will be getting a special Tavern Brawl featuring… cows? Finally, Diablo III will be getting a special remake of a classic Diablo level complete with a special filter to make the game “retro.”

In Case You Missed Frog Fractions…

We finally found its sequel. The Game Detectives (the group that also worked to solve Overwatch’s Sombra ARG) managed to find Frog Fractions 2 inside another game called Glittermitten Grove. To be clear, Glittermitten Grove is a complete game itself, and it is wholly different from Frog Fractions 2. The ARG for the game was quite an interesting one as well, as it involved people finding boxes in real life, keys to go to those boxes, and enigmatic tweets. Be sure to read up on it, as it is quite the ride!

Frog Fractions
Why was the sequel so well hidden? Because video games.

And with that, the last week of 2016 has been covered. Oh, there is one last thing that I might need to mention…

Exploding 2016 gif
And Good Riddance.


Happy New Year!

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