Welcome, one and all, back to In Case You Missed It! This series covers the news that we here at the Game Fanatics just weren’t able to get to in a timely manner. After all, there is a LOT of news! (Of course, you could always join our crew and help us out… just saying!) Without further ado, let’s go over the week’s news, In Case You Missed It!
In Case You Missed Your Invitation…
One Night in Karazhan is out! For those of you who play Hearthstone, this probably isn’t news to you. The rest of you, though, should know that the new Hearthstone Adventure, One Night in Karazhan, began this week. It features plenty of new cards to jumpstart your collection, but if you don’t even know if the game is for you, check out the Prologue mission. It is free for everyone, and you get a couple of free cards. I guess in this case you come for the hype and stay for the party. Did I mention it was disco themed?

In Case You Missed the Riot…
No Man’s Sky came out this week, and the Internet once again split into four factions: the fervent fans who loved the game before it ever released, the general public who thought it was good, the general public who weren’t so fond, and those who just weren’t interested. Game critic Jim Sterling belongs to the third group, as he gave the game a 5/10 rating. Unfortunately, the first group decided that a “mediocre” score meant that they should DDoS his website incessantly in an attempt to change his mind. Sterling was able to get his website back up and running, and he responded to the attack in a blog post. Most notably, he asks the Internet vigilantes, “If you get that mad over videogame reviews, please, for your own good… take a f*****g look at yourselves, okay?”
In Case You Missed the Fight…
Valve just wrapped up their 2016 DOTA 2 International Championships this week. I won’t spoil the winners or losers, in case you want to watch the event for yourselves. What I will spoil are the spoils – this tournament featured the largest eSports prize pool of all time, going well over $20 million. Ah, if only I was good at DOTA… or MOBAs in general.

In Case You Missed Your Chance…
Sorry, but Nintendo beat you to it. After nine years of work, Pokemon Uranium was only available for a week before Nintendo decided to step in. Oh, and the same thing happened to Another Metroid 2 Remake (AM2R). Now I should mention that the games haven’t been wiped from the Internet, and both developers have stated that they will continue to work on these games. The major change is that they will have to do so indirectly so they don’t attract lawyers. Pokemon Uranium will not be hosting download links, but they will be making patches through the launcher for those who’ve already got it. AM2R, on the other hand, will have some extra bugs polished out before its re-emergence.
And that’s all for now, folks! I hope you enjoyed this edition of In Case You Missed It! You can still come back to the Game Fanatics at any time during the week to find out what other news stories have been going around. Ta ta, for now!