Duke Nukem feels like he’s been round Forever. His yellow crew cut, childlike demeanor and ability to produce; audacious, disturbing and f***ing hilarious catchphrases has never lost one ounce of amusement. He is a true action hero, the likes of Schwarzenegger & Stallone couldn’t match, even if they had a love child hopped up on PCP.
The fact is that Duke died, and there was a constant hole in every immature gamers heart. The inner child who could burst out in all its glory, every time Duke egotistically stated his arrival. Was forced to hider itself inside our heart shaped box, and take up the fetal position in angst of his doubtful return.
But one day Gearbox pulled out the defibrillator and kick started the drunken lustful heart of the hero. Duke is back, and he’s only looking for 3 things: beer, babes and revenge (not necessarily in the order).
So After a Duke-less decade, we can safely say that he’s back. But I wouldn’t say he’s gone all modern on us. Since Gearbox has decided that he should be preserved, not revamped. Duke Nukem Forever, will capture the essence of Dukes best days. All of the aspects that make the DN games what they are, will stay. Because what made them popular was there indifference’s, and in a world of Halo and C.O.D copies. We need change. Duke Nukem Forever will give us the alternative gaming experience we all crave, in the vulgar humorous way he does best.
Looking at Duke Nukem Forever, there is a upgrade in 3D graphics from the last game (obviously 10 years of advancement would do that). But its not gone over realistic like a lot of games now a-days, in-fact it looks very ‘Borderlands’ like. Which helps get across the more playful point of the game. This franchise is here for debaucherous immaturity, and over the top blood effects. Think of it as a ‘Bulletstorm’ meets ‘Kill Bill’.
Just to show off the main characteristics of Duke(Immaturity, Careless Violence & Sexist objectification of women), Gearbox has release three short video’s to highlight when he’s on his game.
BE WARNED – Content not suited for children – Enjoy:

Duke Nukem: Forever Is set to release June 14th(US) & June 10th(UK) 2011.