3DS has plenty of fun software, but outside of the included games, not very many of them take special use of the 3DS’s unique features. Enter The Hidden, a ghost-hunting adventure that uses the AR capabilities of the 3DS. According to the press release, you play as a member of the elite Ghostly Entity Investigation and Strike Team (G.E.I.S.T), and work with your team to capture whatever lurks in the “just beyond” using upgradable weapons over 12 missions.
Admittedly, this could be a deliciously cheesy game, and it could be a lot of fun. As of right now, however, it looks an awful lot like Face Raiders, which comes with every 3DS. If it can find new ways to play around with the concept, and have modes conducive to playing on the go, it might not be a bad way to spend $29.99. Check out the new trailer and screens below. You can find The Hidden in stores starting November 8.
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