Ghost Recon Future Soldier Beta Details Surface

Ghost Recon Future Soldier is having a closed beta test period from April 19th to May 25th. But for those of you who are PS+ subscribers you can download the beta two days earlier than anyone else, but you won’t be able to play the game until the 19th. While that really isn’t a bonus in my opinion, it isn’t a deal breaker either. This is just something that guarantees the moment the servers go live you won’t have to wait for to download from Sony’s servers. As some of us PlayStation users know, downloading something from Sony is like pulling teeth. I am beyond excited for this beta, I’ve already participated in Ghost Recon Online and I love every second of that game. I’m almost certain Future Soldier will not disappoint anyone. Well, maybe the CoD fans… Check out all the juicy details below for the full scoop.

In the multiplayer beta, up to twelve simultaneous players will have the opportunity to choose from three classes (Rifleman, Engineer and Scout) and experience the intense adversarial online action in two different modes:


  • Description: players battle to complete objectives located throughout the map and earn points, the team with the most points at the end of the round wins
  • Game session: 1 round of 15 minutes

Saboteur (available starting April 26th)

  • Description: a bomb spawns in a central location, both teams compete to retrieve the bomb and be the first to detonate it at the opposing team’s base
  • Game session: 1 round of 10 minutes


Both modes will be playable on two different maps (Pipeline and Mill).


The beta can be accessed in the following ways:

  • Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Conviction Owners

Splinter Cell Conviction Xbox 360 owners can access the beta directly through the game:

  • Pre-order Ghost Recon: Future Soldier on Xbox 360 and receive a Xbox 360 beta key
  • Also, look out for additional key giveaways online


Additionally, Ubisoft announced Ghost Recon Network, a free companion service that will support all Ghost Recon titles moving forward. Accessible from smartphones, tablets, and web browsers, Ghost Recon Network will allow players to interact with Ghost Recon: Future Soldier & upcoming Ghost Recon games anywhere at any time. The Ghost Recon Network site ( and v1.0 iOS & Android apps will launch with Ghost Recon: Future Soldier on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on May 25. Players in the multiplayer beta will have the opportunity to try specific features of the Ghost Recon Network website and get their hands on the Android mobile app – both of which are in beta stage. Check out the video below for more details.

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Ghost Recon Network Key Features:


Customize and share in-game weapons on the go:

  • Use GunSmith mobile to customize weapons down to their inner parts in 3D and sync them to consoles
  • Publish weapons to the GunSmith Gallery and browse guns posted by the Ghost Recon Network community

Track player history and friends’ in-game status:

  •       Access personal player performance on Ghost Recon: Future Soldier & upcoming Ghost Recon games and compare stats on leaderboards
  •       Receive challenges, friend activity reports and community updates via the website or push notifications on smartphones and tablets

Receive exclusive rewards:

  •      Download the free Ghost Recon Network app at launch to unlock additional attachment credits in Ghost Recon: Future Soldier
  •      Earn weapons and weapon skins in Ghost Recon: Future Soldier by playing other Ghost Recon games or interacting with other Ghost Recon experiences

Become a better player;

  •       Study detailed game information and heatmaps to prepare for the next battle
  •       Build and manage your squad, add recruits and search for competing squads

Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Future Soldier is scheduled to release for the Xbox 360 and the Sony PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system on May 25, 2012 in the UK. It will be available on PC on June 15, 2012.


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