So Tomb Raider is no longer multi-platform but what should I do? Should I freak out and moan and whine at the developers? Or should I be an adult and realize that not only do I not have to play every game that comes out, but that if I want to play this game so bad, I’ll buy an Xbox One.
It’s as simple as that.
A lot of responses I see to this situation are extremely childish and don’t make a whole lot of sense. They are clearly doing this for the money Microsoft is giving them. But beyond that…
We aren’t owed anything! Does it matter that Tomb Raider started on PlayStation and grew and matured there? No. Square Enix is a company and Microsoft gave them enough money for them to recoup the loss of it not being on other platforms (although it still could be released elsewhere at a later date). End of discussion.
Those complaining about this exclusivity are the same ones saying that the Xbox One doesn’t have any games to warrant a purchase. So what, now that it does have a game you want it’s unfair? It shouldn’t happen? It’s a big mistake? That it’s an affront to gamers?
Games change allegiance all the time. Should the game be on every platform? Yes, it probably should. But it doesn’t have to. The publishers can do whatever they want.
This constant whining and complaining about these non-issues in the gaming community is why we are looked down upon. We should all grow up and face the harsh reality that you won’t be able to play a game you want to play unless you buy another console (or wait 6 months to a year). There are so many other worse things going on in the world. Go complain about those things instead. Try to cause real change about things that actually matter. Not video games.
Don’t get me wrong, you have every right to be upset. Just don’t act like your selfish whining is going to do anything when pitted against Microsoft’s money.
Whether or not they’re right in this decision is still up in the air at this point but the reaction they got means a lot of gamers that were excited for Tomb Raider might be picking up an Xbox One now. And that was clearly the plan all along.
For another take on the Tomb Raider issue, check out what Carlos has to say about it.