Gamers: 1 Bioware: 0 As New Mass Effect 3 Ending Announced?

So Bioware has released a statement saying that the “unprecedented” uproar from the fans and are “planning to directly address it.”

In a letter to the fans, BioWare co-founder, Dr. Ray Muzyaka, said:

“I personally believe Mass Effect 3 is the best work we’ve yet created. So, it’s incredibly painful to receive feedback from our core fans that the game’s endings were not up to their expectations. Our first instinct is to defend our work and point to the high ratings offered by critics – but out of respect to our fans, we need to accept the criticism and feedback with humility.

Exec Producer Casey Hudson and the team are hard at work on a number of game content initiatives that will help answer the questions, providing more clarity for those seeking further closure to their journey. You’ll hear more on this in April.”

[pullquote_left]The sense of entitlement is strong with this one.[/pullquote_left]We gave Mass Effect 3 a 5/5, and with over half of our staff having played the game it was a near unanimous decision. Yes the ending was not what we expected, or what we could call Bioware-caliber, but then the question can be asked: As gamers, what are we entitled to?

Having been heavily vested in the Mass Effect series I was admittedly disappointed in the ending, especially with all of the hours that went in to creating my Shephard, but I didn’t feel it warranted anything more than a sad demeanor or a Twitter rant at most.

Either way, we shall wait and see what Bioware has up their sleeves.


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