Is Friday The 13th: The Game Too Violent? Or Not Violent Enough?

The voice of Mrs. Voorhees egging Jason on to murder more councilors in a maelstrom of blood and machetes is so oddly engaging, which may sound a bit twisted. But in the new game play trailer last week for Friday the 13th: The Game there was certainly a tone set for blood lust.

At E3 fans were given a look at the latest build for the Friday the 13th Game. It showcased what we had seen before, Jason stalking through the woods murdering unsuspecting teens and a bit more of how the game operates. New game play footage reveals just how brutal and horrific some of the deaths are.


The real story here is the reaction to the game footage, it wasn’t glowingly positive – it was actually sort of negative. The game was criticized by fans for being too underdeveloped and unequal in the Jason versus the Campers scenario. If I may editorialize for a moment, cool your jets buckeroos! Admittedly Friday the 13th has a terrible history of being translated into game media, but let’s wait and see how it plays before we condemn it entirely.

What seemed to be the most blaring criticism was the violence, people seemed shocked and appalled by the level of gruesome-ness the game has to offer. Jason bashed in the skulls, ripped off legs and machete chopped his victims in the new trailers. Again I’m thinking? What did you expect? It’s a game about hunting down young adults in the woods! It’s the murder fueled rampage of a un-killable psychotic momma’s boy! Have you seen Friday the 13th!

Friday the 13th

But I suppose that’s what we should expect from the game, after all, the original Friday the 13th shocked audiences and hopefully this game will do the same. Friday the 13th: The Game is slated for release this October on PC, Xbox One and PS4, you can stay updated on the game by following Gun Media’s twitter and stay right here with the Game Fanatics for more bloody news.

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