A Look Back at the Best Football Video Games

Now that the Super Bowl is over, let’s take a look back at some of the best football related video games from the past as answered by some of my followers on Twitter! If you’re favorite isn’t up there or you wish to add your game is your favorite, please do so in the comment section!

Tecmo Bowl: Starting out in the arcdes back in 1987, Tecmo Bowl slowly became a cult classic that was raved about once it came to the NES in 1989. Tecmo Bowl used twelve NFL teams with four plays to select from. It can now be found in select arcades, mobile devices and on the Virtual Console for those who wish to go back to their roots.

Tecmo Super Bowl: The sequel to Tecmo Bowl was released in 1991 and was the first game to have licensing rights from both the Players Association and the National Football League. This allowed the game to use of all 28 actual teams and their players. This is a prime example of what a sequel to a sports game should be.

NFL 2K5 (or any NFL 2K game for that matter): Many gamers still mourn the loss of the 2K series and damn EA Sports for killing this gaming franchise. From Sega Sports, Treyarch, and 2K Sports, the 2K series started out in 1999 with NFL 2K and died in 2004 with ESPN NFL 2K5. It was released at a cheaper price than other video games (like Madden) and was extremely helpful and educational for those new to football and football games yet still appealed to seasoned players.

Madden 2000: August 1999 saw the launch of Madden NFL 2000 from EA Sports and EA Tiburon, which was the first of the series to be on the Game Boy Color and on PC/MAC. For the time Madden 2000 showcased great graphics and a smooth gameplay. Madden 2000 paved the way for better changes to the franchise from the past and into its future.

NFL Street: With injuries being taken out of the game, this seven man team took to the streets and became the most enjoyable installment of the series. NFL Street allowed gamers to start up a quick gaming session to be played solo or with friends. Influenced from NBA Street, gamers could earn style points from making style moves or taunting the opposing team.

Mutant League Football: From 1993, on the Sega Genesis, Mutant League Football used the Madden ’93 engine and came with a huge twist. Based in a post-apocalyptic world, humans have been mutated and allowed gamers to play as robots, super humans, aliens, skeletons and trolls. This game screams fun and it is a huge shock that it hasn’t been ported more. Besides the Genesis, this game can be found as part of EA Replay for the PsP.

NFL Blitz: Midway went with a more outrageous approach to football and brought it to the arcades in 1997. It allowed only seven players on the field and plays as well as rules were more flexible than normal NFL games allow for late hits, zero time outs, pass interference and showboating in the end zone. It also played much faster than other NFL games, keeping players on their toes.

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