“What will it take to save what remains?” Tom Clancy’s newest title in gaming is shaping up to be a doozy.
During Ubisoft’s E3 Conference, the best was saved for last and jaws dropped as the world gazed upon the debut of The Division, an MMO RPG shooter set in a post-apocalyptic America.
The premise is worn; a near future, dystopian New York City recently attacked by a pandemic and the bio-terrorists who unleashed it; but the gameplay and environment are groundbreaking and breathtaking.

The Division’s reveal initially took a page from Watch Dogs, being set in a fear propelled environment drowning in social anxieties, but it quickly took its own turn and displayed gameplay of survivalists raiding for supplies –before they run into other trying to do the same thing.
Visually, The Division is a marvel. The usual Tom Clancy bells and whistles are all here, but are inspired and given knew life by way of stunning maps, heads up display and technology that lets you read your environment.

The snowy Manhattan skyline (which you can just walk over too in this massive world) is absolutely beautiful; The Division may be the best looking game at E3.
Ubisoft Massive, the subsidiary that worked on Far Cry 3, is developing the title and with what we’ve seen, from accurate bullet holes in glass to tablet controlled airships, The Division looks more and more like an IP thats here to stay.

Watch the debut and gameplay trailers for the next-gen consoles and then let us know what you think in the comments below!