The once thought to be dead game Final Fantasy Versus 13 was shown during Sony’s E3 press conference last night. However, something about the game drastically changed since the last time it was shown to the entire world. During the four minute long trailer début near the end; Final Fantasy Versus 13’s emblem changed into Final Fantasy XV.
The reason why Square Enix change Final Fantasy Versus 13 to Final Fantasy XV has not been made public yet, and that hasn’t stopped people from guessing the reasons why the name change happened. I imagine it has to do with Final Fantasy 13 and the lack of excitement for the third iteration of the game. Along with the amount of time that has passed since any footage of Final Fantasy XV was shown.
The four minute trailer featured below has more information about the game than, what has ever been discussed by the developers of the game, and features the most gameplay we’ve seen of the game since it was announced 6 years ago. Check out the two trailers below to see the awesome gameplay footage.
For the latest news from E3 keep a page open with TheGameFanatics.
Final Fantasy XV HD Trailer