Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate Pre-Order Bonuses Bring Sexy Back Times Three

Didn’t think the eye candy in the Dead or Alive series could get any sweeter? Three separate pre-order bonus packs for Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate will give you a chance to feast on a variety of different visual flavors.

Playing dress up won’t just be for little girls once you get your hands on a selection of costumes for the virtual paperdolls of Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate’s characters.  Depending on how you guarantee your order early, you’ll be receiving one of the following selections:

Pre-ordering through UK’s retail and online store GAME will get you a series of schoolgirl-inspired skirts and vests for Kokoro, Leifang, Hitomi, and Mila.

GAME pre-order pack

Throw your money at Amazon and outfit ninjas Kasumi and Ayane with two costumes—one being a black and purple butterfly-themed mini dress, and the other,  a beer wench-inspired pleated babydoll.


The last and fullest of the costume packs is being offered through independent retailers through UK distribution company CentreSoft Group, which includes sexy hot pants, cropped tanks and halter tops for Christie, Helena, Tina, Lisa, and debuting fighters Momiji (from Ninja Gaiden) and Rachel.


This latest installation of Tecmo Koei Europe’s fighting franchise is coming to PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on September 3 and features a tutorial, single, multiplayer and arcade modes, and signature finishing moves.

For more information on the game, check out Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate’s official website.


Source: Tecmo Koei Europe

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