Not often are we granted with good voice actors in video games, but every couple of years we magically get a group of people who’ve honed their craft to the point where it’s almost surreal to watch these polygonal characters come to life.
In this magnificent snippet below you’ll witness just how eerie a scene can be when not only great voice actors come together, but atmosphere plays a role to.
Below the snippet is some game play footage that was released that shows off some of the things players will meet while playing the game. I won’t say anything about what you’re capable of doing in the level, but I do know that there are multiple ways to go through the burning building.
Far Cry 3: Ransom Note Cinema
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Far Cry 3: Burning Building Gameplay
[stream provider=youtube flv=http%3A// img=x:/ embed=true share=false width=640 height=360 dock=true controlbar=over skin=dangdang.swf bandwidth=high autostart=false /]
Source: GameTrailers