Today, Techland and Warner Bros. have released another new trailer for Dying Light. Entitled “Humanity“, this latest trailer appears to be Techland’s attempt to show how the (still living) denizens of Dying Light‘s city setting have changed from normal humans to something a little more… dangerous.
These survivors, getting by no matter what the cost, have clearly started to become somewhat warped. This trailer leaves no ambiguity that hiding from vicious infected during the night, and fighting their way through them during the day, has not left the people in the quarantined zone psychologically unmarred.
Dying Light is a survival horror game. Done with a first person perspective, Dying Light is an extremely tense experience. We got the chance to play it this last year at PAX Prime, and trailers like this do nothing but make us more excited to get our hands on it. It’s looking to release on both this gen and last gen (PS4 / PS3, as well as Xbox One and Xbox 360), as well as PC some time in 2014.
If this game looks like your jam, feel free to check out or for more info.