Fanatical Take
What Days Gone Got Right, and What it Got Wrong
A dive into the Days Gone’s divisive Reviews, what went right, and what went wrong.
Fanatical Take: So, Soldier 76 is Gay
So Soldier 76 is gay….here’s our fanatical take.
The Forgotten Spartan, A Look Back at God of War Ascension
God of War: Ascension isn’t really talked about anymore. Was it franchise fatigue, or was there really nothing worth discussing?
The State of Early Access in 2018 | Fanatical Take
Early Access is nothing new to PC players but they have been creeping into console gaming for some time now….
The Death of Single Player Games? A Brief History and Ideas to Move Forward
With the sudden closure of Visceral Games, the idea of a AAA single player game has come under fire. And this isn’t the first time something similar has happened.
What Do We Do With Loot Boxes? | Fanatical Take
There is no single answer to help these companies recoup some of their losses from game sales, but something needs to change.
Destiny 2’s Problem is a Social One | Fanatical Take
Destiny 2 has a lot of great people playing, but why can’t we all just play nice? This a wonderful game, so let’s not ruin it.
Why I Will Only Rent Destiny 2 | Fanatical Take
Why I will rent Destiny 2 instead of buying it: a critical examination of all of the lessons learned from Destiny, Activision, and Bungie.
Hellblade is a Watershed Moment for Games and Storytelling | Fanatical Take
Hellblade offered a shock to the senses, teasing me for blindly following conventional gaming tropes and questioning my motives for doing so.
Tacoma: Diversity and The Future | Fanatical Take
Tacoma shows how the “Walking Simulator” genre can explore deeper topics such as diversity and the future by minimizing gameplay elements.
ARMS Might Have Legs | Fanatical Take
I spent some time in the testpunch for ARMS and it looks like it’s on the right path to being one heck of a time.
Vanquish on PC is Perfect for Fans, Few Others | Fanatical Take
Platinum Games has quite a track record of fan-favorites. However, there’s always been one game that never had much of a spotlight, Vanquish.
Persona 5’s Terrible Prologue | Fanatical Take
Persona 5 should be smart and to the point. And it is…once you get through the embarrassing prologue and some narrative missteps