Whew! It’s been a while. Finals, some new jobs, and a new apartment have all been keeping me from doing what I love to do: filling you in on all the weird gaming news, just In Case You Missed It!
Starting off…
In Case Your Understanding of Nature Comes From Minecraft…
Might want to do some outside research instead! Minecraft recently added some colorful parrots for players to tame and feed, but outrage quickly spread when one redditor pointed out that parrots don’t eat chocolate chip cookies. In fact, chocolate is quite lethal to them! The post has since become the most upvoted on the r/Minecraft subreddit, and Mojang will be replacing the cookies in an upcoming patch.
In Case You Thought Resident Evil: The Final Chapter Was Really the Last One…
Nope. There’s gonna be more. According to Variety, Constantin Films is planning a reboot of the franchise. You might be wondering why or how this is happening, and I’m just as confused as you are. Luckily, we’ll be able to sit back and watch all six movies of this franchise. I know Marvel plans ahead, but I don’t think every film franchise can do that!

In Case You Wanted to Know If the Nintendo Switch Was a Flop or Not…
It’s not. According to Keen Gamer and other sources, the Nintendo Switch is on top for the second month in a row! Where The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild helped skyrocket the console to the top, it seems that many more are flocking to the system as a result of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. It should be noted that MK8 Deluxe is a port of the Wii U version with all the DLC included, so this is either a testament to how great MK8 actually was or how poorly people thought of the Wii U. I think it’s a little of both.
In Case You Are Hyped for More Overwatch Events…
There might be a slight caveat ahead. Jeff Kaplan, the lead director, stated in an interview earlier this week that while adding new events isn’t out of the question, the team will be focusing on making all of the previous events better. He wrote, “We shouldn’t just press a reset button and make an event from new, it should be the same event that you remember from last year, but maybe we modify some things that weren’t working and add some content.” I wonder if this means Lucioball will have six per team?… We’ll have to wait and see.

That’s all for this week! It doesn’t look like I missed much since The Game Fanatics have been on point! In the meantime, what other stories did we miss? Let us know in the comments below!