In Case You Missed It – Gaming News Roundup for the Week of August 15, 2016

HEY YOU GUYS (and Gals)! Kick on some tunes, grab your popcorn, and get ready for another installment of In Case You Missed It! For those who don’t know, this is our weekly segment where one of our writers (me) attempts to fill in the gaps of our news coverage. We do try our best to keep you up to date on all the happenings of the video game community, but we often run into times where there are more stories than people to write them. If you’d like to help with that, you can always join the crew.

Now, let’s get things started with our first news story!

In Case You Missed Konami’s Attempts to Get Metal Gear to Survive…

Metal Gear Survive was announced at Gamescom 2016. The first Metal Gear game without Hideo Kojima is… a zombie survival game. Yeah, it’s as silly as it sounds, and fans of the series know it. That’s probably why the trailer for the game has a 4-to-1 dislike/like ratio on YouTube. While Konami has attempted to provide more info on the game, the info says almost nothing about the game itself other than, “you get guns and can be sneaky.” Time will tell if the game is any good… or will even come out.

In Case You Missed Playing as Ezio…

Get ready for some leaps of faith. Some keen-eyed gamers on NeoGAF spotted ratings for “Assassin’s Creed Ezio Collection” on the Korean version of ESRB. It looks like the compilation will include AC: II, Brotherhood, and Revelations. If you’ve been itching to play as Ezio in HD, expect an official announcement soon.

In Case You Missed Emptying Your Wallet…

Ubisoft has announced the Collector’s Edition of For Honor (you know, the game where vikings, knights, and samurai beat the iron out of each other!) will run for $129.99. The set will include the Gold Edition of For Honor–which has some bonus DLC and the Season Pass–, an exclusive lithography (read: poster), the soundtrack, a 1/3 scale replica of the three faction’s helmets, and a box to put it all in! Don’t expect to go to your favorite gaming store to grab this, though, as it is only available through the Uplay Shop.

Sadly, you can't wear the helmets.
Sadly, you can’t wear the helmets.

In Case You Missed Pokemon News…

Don’t fret! You have not been forgotten! Over the past week, the Official Pokemon Channel has been releasing YouTube videos featuring new Pokemon for Sun and Moon. First there was Turtonator, which sounds like someone mixed the words “turtle” and “terminator.” Still cool, but I’m naming mine Bowser because reasons. Then came the even longer, second trailer showed off the adorable Stufful, the punch-drunk Crabrawler, and a sand castle Pokemon. I’ll be calling them Snuggles, Rocky (or AAADRIAN!), and Sand Guardian, Guardian of the Sand.

In Case You Missed Doing Weird Science…

I don’t have any words to describe Rick and Morty Simulator. So I’ll just post the trailer here.

And, that’s all for this week! Be sure to drop by again next Sunday for another round of In Case You Missed It, and don’t forget to check our regular news coverage. Until then, have a good week!

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