Bye bye 2010, Hello 2011.

The great gaming gods have blessed this year, with bounties of games. Jupiter and the stars have all aligned and we have received the harvest of Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony. But now all of the most anticipated games are in the past, and you might be getting a little bored with this years titles. But don’t try and kill yourself by; buying yourself a 1-way ticket to fortune city, playing a game of Russian roulette with bullets in every chamber so everybody wins, jumping from the Eiffel tower and aiming for a fat chick, letting an Italian plumber and brother crush you with there own body weight, trying to scratch your nose with the chainsaw of the lancer, trying and recreate the film Castaway and then actually getting stuck on the island…I BLAME WILSON, listening to a whole Celine Dion album and ripping your ear off Van Gogh style, giving your 6 year old cousin a bomb-om for Christmas, running off a cliff and forgetting you’ve not got the commando perk on, free falling back to earth after a total failure of a banshee-jack, not being Death-Proof, getting punched from Chuck Norris in the armpit, wrist or back of the knee or setting up a work meeting with a Glitched Ed 209. Because there’s already a long list nerdgasmic games coming to you next year to have you jumping for joy, so calm down.

The Three I’m most looking forward too are:

BRINK: This looks like the one of the best games of next year. Its new ideals of merging single & multiplayer into one seamless and immersing experience. As well as allowing gamers to farm experience, which gets them to use the game to its full potential. Sounds as if its got the right stuff to change how we think about our RPG’s. As well as this its new movement system ‘S.M.A.R.T’ which stands for Smart Movement Across Random Terrain. Now allows the player to really move freely and effortlessly. Meaning there’s no need to choose between moving and shooting, they are now one aspect. As well as this the game boasts a great level of detail and character customization (As they say the Devils in the Detail). In Brink your thrust in to the epicenter of an all out civil war between the security and the resistance, in the previously utopia known as the Ark. Which is a floating prototype city in the middle of the ocean, designed with renewable resources and no pollution. However when the earth is flooded due to apparent global warming, the city which is designed to hold 5,000 soon is barraged with 50,000 refugees. Soon resources are rationed and poverty ridden slums emerge, overpopulated with refugees. But when there is rumour that the rich that previous lived there are holding resources, the refugees form a ‘Resistance’ to fight the governing powers the ‘Security’. This story fits to the star wars Empire vs Rebellion idea. But with each side, there is no sense of bad guy and good guy, authentically like every war each side feels it is right. Now I know there are games that have used this concept before, the most ineffective used was with ‘James Cameron’s:Avatar’. But trust me, once you pick a side. There will be clear differences in your path, and you will join a family and feel as if your actually in one of the factions. Now the only hard part….Rebels or Security?

Gears of war 3: If you haven’t heard of gears of war, then go ahead and slap yourself in the face. This is in my opinion one of the best xbox franchises ever. The unique cover system, character development and immense atmosphere that’s created throughout the game. Just makes it an instant classic, and if anything im sad to see it end at 3. The finale of the story puts you once again in the role of Delta squad, but with some new faces. Set 18 months after the fall of jacinto, the gears have relocated to the island of vectes and are living aboard a converted aircraft carrier called the ‘Raven’s Nest’. However the government has disbanded and imulsion has infected and mutated members of the locust, spawning a new ememy referred to as the Lambent. Which are becoming a large threat to both the Locust and Humanity. The game is also featuring 3 playable female characters; Samantha Byrne, Anya Stroud, and Wes Myers. As well as two male gears from the comics, Karen Traviss and Jace Stratton. Gears 3 promises to be one of the top titles of next year, and will answer all of the franchises mysteries. For instance; why was Marcus incarcerated, who is Adam fenix and what was he talking about at the end of gears 2, where did the locust come from, is dizzy the fun loving redneck still alive (Man I hope so) and how many Carmines does it take to survive an entire story line? The story, multiplayer and dimensions of this game make it superior to any Ive ever played. If you haven’t took a sight-see through world of Sera Lancer in hand, then take a few weeks off work and chainsaw your heart out.

LBP2: Little big planet is one of the most amusing and time consuming games I have ever played. The simplistic controls allows you to create whatever you imagine in the matter of minute. With the whole gaming world connected, you have no problem ‘Borrowing’ ideas off of a few people. The wacky world of childish colourful fun, with customisable Sack Boy and the sarcastic and amusing narrations of Stephen Fry. The sequel is just going to be even more immature, more rambunctious and debaucherous. Get ready for a Willy Wonka themed boat ride to the moon, on the back of a whale whist rocking a Hawaiian shirt. What? That’s not weird at all. The new game is also taking every world from the previous title with it, so no one will have to recreate all there hard work.

So there’s my 3 picks of 2011…Now, do as the good (Sith)lord says and join the dark side. PEACE!


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