Best Crossplay Games for those with PC Friends

The Call of Duty: Modern Warfare crossplay beta this weekend was a spectacle. My friends, we are at the tipping point of the Console Wars (lul): the long-awaited dual sticks versus keyboard and mouse. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare showcased just how truly magnificent crossplay is. Partying up with friends you haven’t played with in ages just to get a few rounds in, even trash-talking in the lobby and death voice chat, meant the rivalry was reborn. There’s something special about crossplay – since online gaming became a thing, platform exclusivity has been the only option. We’ve never known anything else. Just think, we’ve waited our whole lives to play online with friends across platforms; many gamers can’t afford multiple consoles, let alone invest in a gaming rig. For one, glorious weekend a lot of us got to experience crossplay, maybe even for the first time. What if I told you, the party doesn’t have to be on hold until MW drops?

Now that the crossplay beta weekend is over, we know you’re feeling a little empty, so here are the BEST crossplay games you can still play with your PC friends. 


Paladins is best compared to Overwatch, but that doesn’t do it justice. The team-hero game is an experience in itself, with unique character builds and a mounting system, Paladins is a game you can learn quickly and enjoy grinding. When your tired of the latter and the toxicity, or you just want to keep yourself warm while you’re waiting for the squad to get online for ranked, try switching over to Paladins for some kickback, competitive rounds with your PC friends. 


Crossplay at launch, Dauntless is a beautiful, baby Monster Hunter. A large problem Monster Hunter: World has is the difficulty of finding a reliable squad to team up within matchmaking. Without friends on the same platform, Monster Hunter: World becomes a very lonely experience. With Dauntless you can have that same experience of the hunt with your friends and maybe get some others who’ve ever played Monster Hunter interested in a new franchise. Dauntless has grind worthy equipment, eccentric monsters, and it just difficult enough to welcome Monster Hunter veterans yet, simplified enough for newcomers, so give it a try. 


For those console players who want to try a MOBA like League of Legends, SMITE is here and has been here for you. Much like LoL, SMITE is a great competitive game to play with friends with character concept and design that will make you stick around for a while. Playing SMITE, PC league fans can get a chance to use new and different champions in a familiar environment and offer a nice change of pace for players who are used to rapid click movement. Maybe it might make your PC friend pick League of Legends back up again.

Sea of Thieves

Pirate Simulator 3000, is a true test of Teamwork and a hilarious game to play with close friends. Playing Sea of Thieves forges a close bond between those who play it together because it takes a special type of trust to man a Galleon and risk being thrown in the brig. In the ultimate search for booty, players need to work together to search and survive the seas, all while fending off your treasure from other plunderers. With a tight community and recent DLC, if you’re looking for something totally left field that’s a test of true friendship, ask your PC friends to give it a go with you.


Fortnite is the title that started this all. As much as we might dislike this game and its an evolution into more or less a child’s playground, we can’t deny its place in video game history. Including switch and mobile, Fortnite’s crossplay functionality is the new gateway to competitive gaming for kids. Fortnite is more than just a shooter, the competitiveness of the battle royal experience and the creativity of the building mechanics, Fortnite is a game that will be remembered for generations. 

The Future of Crossplay

Crossplay is the future, with more and more major titles trying to incorporate it, its proven success is undeniable. After Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s extremely successful Beta, we have high hopes that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is going to be the next best crossplay game out there. Featuring some of the best gunplay in the series, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is a must buy if you’re looking to go toe to toe with your crossplay friends. Soon games like Destiny and Borderlands will be quick to flip the switch, it’s only a matter of time.

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