Batwoman – Adding to the Noise

Most of you have heard by now the latest debacle from DC. If you haven’t, here’s the short version: The creative team behind Batwoman, JH Williams III and W. Hayden Blackman will be leaving the title after the October issue, citing eleventh hour executive meddling as the cause. At the last minute they’re not able to write the storylines they’ve been planning since the beginning, namely Kate and Maggie’s wedding, as well as an arc centered on expanding Killer Croc into a more well rounded and interesting character. This news was disturbing enough to rouse me out of my work induced hibernation to share a few thoughts.

Batwoman (Pre-New 52) - Imgur

First of all, I’m incredibly saddened. There are few books I look forward to each month as Batwoman. It has an incredible artistic style, both visually and narratively. I love the characters, the arcs that have been written, and I always look forward to seeing Kate kick butt and continue to grow as a person. Also, Williams is my favorite artist working. The way he eschews normal panel layout speaks volumes to me about what comics can be when they push the boundaries and norms, as any artist in any medium should.

When the news originally broke, Williams and Blackman were going to stay on until the end of the arc, issue 26. However, the next day DC editor Dan DiDio announced that a new creative team will be taking over on issue 25, and the new December solicits show the new team on for 26. That means we’ll likely not see resolution for the arc, or if we do it will a drastically different and rushed. I would love to see what Williams and Blackman originally had intended for the character, but I doubt those scripts will ever see the light of day.


What I know we won’t see is a wedding. DC has made it’s anti-wedding stance very clear. This is the same reason Aquaman’s not married to his Queen, and why Superman can’t marry Wonder Woman, and why nothing will ever come of Dick and Barbara. Why DC?!?! The story originally circulated as DC not allowing a lesbian wedding. Humorous bad press for DC, but untrue. DC is against any weddings, because that means they’ll be happy. And happy characters means less interesting stories. I find that logic flawed on two parts, I’ve met several married couple that weren’t blissful. Marriages take work, and that could be an interesting story to show. How does Kate deal with being a stepmom? How does that change the stakes now that she is partially responsible for a child? Just because a character is happy doesn’t mean the story is uninteresting. Flawed premises lead to flawed logic.

I can’t help but feel extremely annoyed at DC’s anti-happiness stance, especially in the Bat family. Looking back, it shows up in every Bat book. Nightwing is full of tragedy, so is Batgirl. Damien died. Jason’s relife is awful. Drake got screwed over. It’s a mess. Having this stance doesn’t help the comics, it makes them worse because readers will automatically not emotionally invest in any relationship a character has, as it won’t last. Expect to see an increase of women in refrigerators.


As fans, what is our course of action? First of all, not threats of violence. I repeat, not threats of violence. As much of a scumbag Dan DiDio is, threats of violence, rape, murder, arson, theft, hacking, etc is not right. You may be pissed, but let it out via appropriate methods. I suppose the real question is do you drop the book or not? Do you drop it in support of Williams and Blackman? But then DC can say ‘look, no one’s buying Batwoman, let’s cancel it’, in which case the character is never seen from again and she goes in the same box as Wally, Donna, Cassandra and Stephanie. It’s kind of a catch-22. Personally, I’m not going to drop it, but I will be ready to if the quality suffers much. My monthly pull simply won’t be the same without Kate Kane. That said, it won’t be a ‘Must Read’ anymore. Cherish the trades, all the way back to Elegy.


Also, go order Sandman Overture, Williams will still be doing the art, with the ever amazing Neil Gaiman writing. This will show support for Williams, plus it should be an incredible series in its own right. Sandman has a reputation for a reason. Lastly, go read Promethea if you haven’t yet.

What does this mean for Kate Kane, our Batwoman? Possible future cancellation, something will happen that will ruin her relationship with Maggie. Doubtful that the grudge match with Batman will happen. Or it could be good. It’s a possibility, right? I’m not ruling it out. But I’m also not getting my hopes up. I’m going to miss her, I really am. My background of the computer I’m writing this on is Batwoman. Ever if the book itself isn’t cancelled, it won’t be the series we have come to know and love. Buy the trades, share them around. Let people know what could have been, then put those trades next to your Firefly DVDs, awaiting seasons two through ten.


Lately, DC seems to be off the ball. They don’t need to worry about sales, Superman and Batman will always sell. But overall, I see more and more fans slipping away. Let’s hope Image or Marvel is able to scoop up the talent DC is leave behind. Best of luck to Kate, Maggie, Bette and the rest. Even if things don’t work out from here on out, I’ll still cherish the stories we had.

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