Awesomenauts Community Address #3

Taking last week off with E3, Romino Games is back with another Awesomenauts Community Address.

Let’s start off with some exciting news: Awesomenuts is set to be released in Korea on PSN June 20th, which is great to hear when you recall the publisher’s bankruptcy issues.

Next, Romino discusses some upcoming balancing, specifically the power of Voltar’s turrets, which are “too powerful,” something I can wholeheartedly agree with. Romino has changes up their sleeves better at both support and defense, the way they were originally intended, instead of being overpowered while attacking turrets.

There will be a preview build coming shortly we hope to get our hands on, but there’s no timetable just yet as to a public release date. They’re still having some issues fixing players connectivity problems, but do have plans to make things smoother for t hose with issues. For what it’s worth, I cannot recall any issues on my end.

Of note regarding connectivity, they mention how they’re ensuring that people with NAT settings of both moderate and strict should soon see better results, meaning that we won’t have to change our router settings to improve performance.

It’s nice to see that, despite a troubled start regarding their publisher’s financial issues, that Awesomeanuts is still going strong.

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