Assassin's Creed: Revelations Multiplayer Preview

Definitely the biggest hit at this years London MCM event was a multiplyer demo for Assassin’s Creed: Revelations, seriously, it was difficult to get near this thing. Luckily for you folks i did, the impressive yet ultimately lack-luster multiplayer mode from Assassin’s Creeed: Brotherhood is back, and it’s better.

Whilst the multiplayer for Brotherhood was good, it felt a little unfinished, much more of a trial run for something than a solid addition in it’s own right. Well if it was a trial run, the Revelations multiplayer is most certainly the finished product. At a glance it may seem the same but there’s definitely been some TLC paid to it, resulting in what we knew it could always be.

First off is the UI, whilst it looks much the same as the original it’s had a few tweaks and changes to sharpen it up, definitely less confusing than the sometimes overly complex design from Brotherhood, this was sleek, simple and sharp. The in-game HUD has had a little improvement, the way in which load-outs can be swapped between deaths has been improved, making it much easier to do, no more fumbling and getting the wrong one anymore.  The gameplay hasn’t received much in the way of change, again it just feels tighter and more responsive. Buttons are still mapped the same and you can still do all the same amazing moves from Brotherhood, it just takes what was there and raises it up a level.

I could go into further detail, but that would actually be unnecessary, the multiplayer for Assassin’s Creed: Revelations is what we always expected it to be, the improved version of Brotherhood’s multiplayer. We had few expectations from it as it didn’t need much of a change, Ubisoft clearly understood this and only did what was really necessarily, leaving us with something refreshing yet comfortable. If you liked it before then you’ll love it now, if you didn’t like it before then you probably still won’t like it, though you should.

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