2015 is when we first set our eyes on the glory of the Final Fantasy 7 remake. Since then we have been eagerly waiting to get more information on the release date of this title. There have been many rereleases of the original game for various platforms with slight upgrades, but these were all just a tease. During the most recent State of Play, PlayStation showed a new teaser of the this greatly awaited remake. It definitely looks like the game will be taking the play style of the more modern games with the story of the original. At the end of the trailer it states that there will be more shown in June. Many assumed that they would see the Final Fantasy during E3, especially since Square has taken Sony’s press conference spot. Even though we have been waiting for years and there is still no release date or window, many are still ecstatic. The biggest question is whether or not this is going to be Next-Gen? Can’t wait to see more at E3. We are ready to cry all over again.
Are We Finally Getting the Final Fantasy 7 Remake?

- By: Julian Harris
- Published:
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- Tagged: FF VII, Final Fantasy 7, Final Fantasy 7 Remake, game remakes, PlayStation Exclusives
- Filed Under: Features, Gaming